Where There is a Will..

.. there is a way.

Do I have the will to wake up in the early mornings? Yes, I do. Very much in fact.

It is such a beautiful elegance every time I do. No hurry, no hustle and bustle of the day. It is peacefully calm and offers the charm of slowing down and my own time. Just for myself!

How do I want to spend it? Let me see.

I listen to the chirping of the birds outside as I type this — yeah, the spring is in the air, and out they are already, probably their days have started already the sound of chirp chirp chirpy songs outside is quite intense . I listen to the rain drops — where is it coming from really, looks like the rain has already stopped — but from somewhere where the heavy drops from the top surface are still finding their way to the ground apparently. And, hey it started again — I like the sound of it.

So, let me plan my day today listening to the sound of the rain, and hey, before that I would like to read for five minutes. Or ten it was perhaps. The Importance of Being Earnest
A Trivial Comedy for Serious People! I got it from the project gutenberg’s pages. I wanted a random good book. I liked it so far, hey, I will tell you when I complete it, whether I really liked it!

So, where am I ? Alright, exactly at a point where I lost focus and jumped to the reading so spontaneously. Is it good, or bad? Who am I to judge? I got this time for myself, if I like to read, I read. If I like to dance, I dance. If I like to sing, I sing. Hey come to think of it, I have saved it somewhere in my drafts about the six minutes rituals in the morning. Why not should I try it — just before I finish writing this and go ahead with my planning of the day?

Alright, not so much of a fun — something like — when I wanted a cup of coffee, I was offered a cup of tea! Well. Good then.

To wrap up:

  • Feeling proud for waking up at 5 in the morning.
  • Listened to the world news 5 minutes with my coffee.
  • Listened to the sounds of nature.
  • I Wrote and Read.
  • Meditated for a minute.

That is it.

I will plan for the day and that’s it? Apparently, that is it. Hey hey hey, cultivate the non-striving attitude. Live in the present with a beginners mind as Jon Kobat Zinn says!

Okay, let it go!



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